Multi-dimensional Teacher & Transformative Coach

Contact Trudy at [email protected]

Spiritual connection is the future way to level up your creativity, make an impact & earn what you are worth and I really believe that companies and individuals that can learn to master the mind body and spirit techniques towards creativity & impact will have the edge. I am starting to see many businesses demonstrate how spiritual concepts have helped them with their culture .


Contact Trudy at [email protected]

Spiritual connection is the future way to level up your creativity, make an impact & earn what you are worth. I am starting to see many businesses demonstrate how spiritual concepts have helped them with their culture and I really believe that companies and individuals that can learn to master the mind body and spirit techniques towards creativity & impact will have the edge.


Are you thinking what does a successful, happy, meaningful life look like?

I help people who have lost their purpose & drive during this time of change, understand their awakening potential to become extra ordinary. 

I work with those who feel they were made for more, who want to make a difference in everything they do, but despite doing everything “right”, it still doesn’t feel enough. Instead they start feeling unfulfilled & dissatisfied at being stuck on the side-lines of life. 

They have paid for life coaching, they have tried everything including spiritual practices. But still the dissatisfaction and the frustration are bubbling away in the background, pushing them closer to crossing the threshold into burn out, confusion & despair, from trying so hard and not knowing what to try next. 

This is sometimes called the dark night of the soul but really it is a dark night of the personality because it is a phase of removing an old identity to make room for something new.


These people admire heart-led leaders, adventurers, philosophers, deep thinkers because that’s what is inside them waiting to be fully seen, heard, embodied & acknowledged. 

Is this you?

 I can help when you are ready to close the gap between who you can be and where you are now. I can help you discover that you have been playing small due to the imposter programming you have adopted. That the reason you are struggling is because you are in the wrong ball park.

Are you an emerging Butterfly hanging out with Caterpillars?

Imagine a Scientist in kinder-garden, will they get acknowledged for their accomplishments? Or would they have to reduce their skillset and apply them to building sand castles to get recognition? I know this feeling too well as I am guilty of this. Too many amazing people are stuck playing small and some don’t even realise it is one of the core reason for their dissatisfaction. A lot of other issues stem from this.

How do you do this?

You already have access to all the answers you need to unleash your hidden and often natural potential and creativity. The problem is your inner knowing has been overshadowed by societal programming, logic, reason & a lack of confidence to stand out.

Nobody showed you how to shine your light and be radically different.

Ascension is when the Soul says “enough is enough” and nudges you onto a pathway of expansion into a bigger version of self, breaking the glass ceiling of imposter programming, releasing your light one baby step at a time. This is a journey not a destination.

This path is not for the faint hearted, it involves stepping out of your comfort zone, being truthful with yourself, taking risks, healing your triggers and shadows, and making changes and pivoting. 

But imagine what it might feel like to be liberated & empowered, with the ability to thrive no matter the external circumstances, to achieve your heart’s desires and live gracefully with great purpose making a difference in the world as only you can. Re-read this and make that feeling stronger and stronger

So if you leave my website today with only one thing – let it be to make this your vision and then put all your attention there rather than the problems you think you need to solve. Problems are an illusion of the personality/EGO. Make time to listen & obey your soul callings. 

The Universe truly has a Great Vision  for your life & it is something you have been preparing for over many life times. What rare success is sitting inside you ready to be released? Who do you need to become to weave it into the fabric of reality?

Do you recognise any of these pains of modern day living?
How many are ingrained beliefs?
How many times a day are these part of the little voice in your head?

• Not enough Time
• Not enough Money
• No deep meaningful relationships, feeling isolated.
• Feeling unfulfilled with what you do.
• Confusion, paralysis on what next.
• Burning energy, fighting & pushing and getting nowhere.
• Feeling not seen for who you truly are.
• Struggling to turn your creative ideas into form.

Maybe its time to consider a spiritual soul led approach to life, career and relationships? Are you ready to say YES to a life full of life changing experiences? Where Life becomes an adventure? To see where that pathway leads?

How can I help?

I blend esoteric, ancient, business and practical techniques to create what you need. The combination will help you discover your True Essence and make sense of the clues to not only your Purpose but your Greater Soul’s Vision – your Kingdom’s work that only you can achieve. Excitingly this grows as you expand. If this deeply resonates inside your heart then I have two ways we can work together.

1. I have the White star Membership Portal – An on-line monthly workshop to learn your Soul’s desires, your hidden abilities and limitations. We do this by learning how to bypass your logical mind & listen to the whispers of your soul instead. In total there are 144 lessons to learn over the Year. It is subscription based and you can cancel the subscription at any time but I  hope like others you will Love it and stay. Replays available.

 2. A 6 month one-to-one intensive accelerator program, if you are ready to make profound shifts in your life. On-line sessions and ongoing support throughout the 6 months. You will learn ancient & practical techniques to support you throughout your life time. Bonus access to my membership for the duration. Then opportunity to join my advanced membership level to continue the work and not lose momentum.

Do you want to be empowered to become something new?

What is a successful life?

Robert Holden wrote a whole book on success and his summary of how we have been programmed to define success hit me hard at a time I had just sold my company and was in burn out.

“success = hard work + perseverance + struggle” Robert Holden PhD concluded this only achieves successful struggling.

I most definitely had attained that badge of honour in the form of ME/CFS. But what if it doesn’t have to be this way? 

If you find yourself questioning and saying to yourself there must be a better way, then you are in the right place.

After years of soul searching & reprioritising, I finally surrendered and said you know what I’m not sure what the answers is! I decided to let my Soul Wisdom take the lead as an experiment. And it was my Soul that guided me on what course & experiences to create from my challenges that could help others.

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it” Maya Angelou

We often do not seek out help until the pain becomes unbearable, and then we end up burnt out, depressed & stuck.

This was my journey, however I discovered the help I was seeking was within me, I just needed to learn the language of my soul and how to birth that into reality.  I couldn’t find anyone to help me, I soon realised I was walking in unchartered territory.

It became my Spiritual Apprenticeship of deep  learning from the inside out that has now become my work helping others learn their language of their soul more quickly and supporting them with their journey to live an extra ordinary life.

Because we do not need to be greater and better. We are already that, we just need to be ourselves.

Spiritual coaching doesn’t need you to know the problems you have before reaching out for help, you just need to feel your soul calling you to do something different.

As a Soul Guide, I communicate directly to your soul, your higher self & I can help you step off the side lines & transform your purpose into a transformative Heart & Soul led Great vision for our times.

Because you have been only accessing a tiny part of who you are.

You have been playing small! Waiting for this time to make your grand entrance.

Spiritual abilities are not confined to the Spiritual & healing community anymore. My Heaven on Earth Vision is to blend logic, practical steps & soul wisdom so we can all live more empowered lives.

This is my superpower, the ability to explain profound spiritual concept in a practical way so that you can FEEL the impact.

It’s interesting how my work has evolved, I thought I would help people ACHIEVE their dream life.

But instead my work starts at helping people make sense of the challenges, find their inner light, their confidence (value), soul desires and their uniqueness, their reason for being here at this time.

That is the centre of everything, with a little help from above. From that centre we become magnetic to the things our soul desires and our life suddenly makes sense.

Becoming a visionary

How many great ideas have you had? 

How many have you managed to birth into reality and make money from?

Do you ignore them? Thinking of them  as “if only” dreams? Or maybe even thinking of it as common sense so someone must already be doing it?

Some of us are here to birth amazing ideas, their role to play at this time of great change and evolution,. Yet we get stuck because we find it hard to value & express the fullness of what we can vision and how capable we are to deliver such a vision.

Maybe the vision scares us so we prefer to leave it as a fantasy of possibilities rather than actually try and birth it.

Maybe we start creating smaller backup visions because we don’t feel worthy of what is truly meant for us.

When I work with clients to find their Vision, they often already know what it is. But it takes me acting as a mirror to show them their vision without all the veils & then recalibrating & supporting them to believe they can achieve it.

I offer courses, and one-to-one packages to help discover Your Soul-led Vision and recalibrate your mind, body and energy, removing any limitations, false, beliefs, social conditioning and old experiences that are holding you back.

Becoming an Energy Alchemist

We can not change the chaos of our external world, but we can choose how we react to it. The Vibration we hold defines our life experience.

As an Empath, Highly Sensitive Person(HSP) or Introvert you are part way there. After the turmoil we have all become more sensitive in general.

We can learn to become an Energetic Alchemist incorporating Energy & Soul Awareness into our every day. Learning to actively change the energy we hold. 

To be able to manifest our lives it is critical to feel more present and manage our nervous system in order for our Soul to feel safe in our body. When the soul is safe our life force energy is given a focus as we get more insights about why we are here.

I offer courses and Dancing with 5D Energy workshops  to help turn your energy awareness abilities into powerful tools for manifesting & navigating life gracefully.

We are evolving and we need to become something different if we are to create a different experience on this planet. The ability to blend Spiritual, Body, Emotional and Energy intelligence with Logical and Visioning Mind intelligence is the future way. We are evolving into New humans I like to call Quantum Humans. Imagine the creativity this would unleash. Imagine the impact on individuals, families, community, company culture and the planet. I really believe people with these skills will have the edge and I am here to help them awaken to take their place creating a new world one idea and a time.

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