To understand a Dancing with Energy workshop we need a little context of the healing aspects of music & why we dance.
“One Sufi folk tale tells that, at first, the soul hesitated to enter the body. It had been dancing in the heavens and was reluctant to enter the apparent prison of the body.
But then it heard the music in the body, and it was so beguiled that it fully entered the body. “
Dancing brings us back into our bodies and out of our heads & out of stressful struggling.
We need to be in & connected to our bodies to create what we want on this 3D planet.
Dance can be about expressing yourself as a joyful & uplifting experience.
To have Musicality is to know how to describe the music with your body movement.
Solfeggio, sound baths and sound healing use harmonics to alter our bodies at a cellular level.
Somatic dance is about expressing your feelings through movement to release them, it is experiencing the body as perceived from within.
I created Dancing with Energy workshops to help change who you are, at a vibrational & harmonic level.
Moving with the aim to connect & weave energy. If you have experienced energy healing like Reiki, you may already know how powerful energy healing is.
I channel 5D higher consciousness energy, combined with mindset reprogramming & somatic movement.
Each session you are guided how to use the 5D energy to recalibrate your mind, body, nervous system, right down to your DNA & cells.
Which enables a stronger bond to your higher self & soul wisdom as you release fake identities, beliefs, limitations and return to your authentic divine light.
Dancing with energy is a healing modality of the body, asking you to know yourself as a light body and soul essence.
Realising you are an Energy Alchemist and can change the vibration you hold and thus change your life.
Here are a few dancing journeys we have undertaken over the last few years.
Trudy is based in West Berkshire, UK and works online.
Contact her via email at [email protected]