Multi-dimensional Teacher
Transformative Coach
Energy Alchemist

Multi-dimensional Teacher & Transformative Coach

Evolving your Soul Purpose into your Soul Vision.

What is your soul purpose?

This is the thing that gives you your reason for being and doing what you do. It is Why you get out of bed.

What is your 5D Soul-led Great Vision?

This is when you realise your job title is not your purpose. That your purpose is to express your unique frequency, combined with your creative energy to achieve a Soul-led service for humanity. Your soul often has a bigger idea for what you are meant to be doing with your life.

When you are aligned to your Soul-led Great Vision. It is a form of life force,  a fire in your belly that gives a lightness of step. 

Something you can apply to anything and everything you do. 

As the world changes and job types shift and change, those that know who they are on the inside will succeed and enjoy the challenge of forever evolving, growing and shape shifting with the new world advancements.

How do I find my one-thing?
  • One of your strengths and weaknesses is you are multi-talented. 
  • You many have so many ideas for projects.
  • You may have had many jobs, noticed you have unique ways of doing things. 
  • You may even have realised that you are multi-dimensional which has resulted in a history of diverse jobs.
  • Maybe you tried to squeeze into a job, career or relationship that best matched who you thought you are.
  • Maybe you tried to build your own business, yet struggling to define what you offer in an impactful way.
  • Maybe you feel undervalued in your work or relationships as no one seems to understand what you bring to the table.
Our Soul’s Great Vision is a journey of self-discovery not a destination.

When we align with the Right Vision, one that originates in our Soul not our mind, it is a path that allows us to continually expand.

My aim is to help you uncover all your talents, even the ones that come so natural to you that you don’t value them enough. Then find a way to blend it all into meaningful work and life experiences. 

“Pain pushes …

Often our  purpose is personality based, for example focused on avoiding the pain of our past. Things like betrayal, rejection or abandonment!

We use will power or anger to prove people wrong, to convince others we are worthy, to get the recognition we so desperately seek.

“If you don’t leave your past in the past, it will destroy your future.  Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away” – Unknown.

…until Vision pulls”.

We are at a time where we can write a whole new story for ourselves.  Soul Purpose or Mission have a feeling of a pre ordained path we are expected to follow, but at this stage of moving from 3D to 5D, we are being offered the chance to wipe the past clean and start with a new blank book. Even Karma can be dissolved to free you up to decide what you want to become.

This is great news but also unchartered territory.

Learning to focus on what you want, as if you just woke up for the first time here on Earth. Excited, like a child, for the adventure ahead, no limitations on what you think you can be or do!

This would be great vision for your life, yes?

We all have unique skills, we all are meant to be different, quirky & strange. We are all meant to walk boldly, authentically expressing our soul.

  • Many of us create small visions for ourselves, 
  • Some struggle to create a vision at all, 
  • Some are futurists ahead of their time and have no frame of reference
  • Others have accidentally adopted a vision from society or parents.

Let me show you the path to step out of the shadows and onto the main stage. The thing you desire is the other side of your comfort zone and I will be by your side as your cheer leader.